Yesterday began in a very stressful manner with lots of last minute rushing around and trying not to forget things, as you do.. or as is more the case, as *I* do. All the time. Either way, me, mum and Lou managed to leave just after 2pm to head to the airport with everything intact, or so I'm hoping!
Met up with Hannah, Zara and Vicky when we got to the airport. Too much female hormones wandering around in the air, we were all feeling pretty emotional. In comes my dad to the picture.. not that he did a lot to balance out the hormonal bit. We went off to mooch around in a random pubby bar thing for a bit of food and a couple of drinks, time to kill before I went through departures.

And then came the sad bit, when we all practiclly burst into tears! Was not fun, gotta say. Gonna miss everyone so much, Louise was bawling her eyes out and in the end I just had to turn away from her because otherwise I would have never stopped! One last round of hugs and I had to go, or I would have never left!
Was weird going through airport security and such like by myself - haven't been through an airport for a really long time, let alone by myself, which I've never done before! Went through standard scanny metal detectory section, went to duty freee, got hugely bored...

Flight was delayed. No surprise, after the snow the night before. So eventually they start letting us on the plane at the time it was originally meant to take off, 18:05. What I don't think any of us realised at the time was that the plane hadn't gone through its pre-flight checks or been de-iced or anything, so by the time they did all that and we actually taxied through to the runway, it was 20:00 before we even took off, two hours late! Arghhhh. I wouldn't have been so annoyed, but most of that was spent just sitting in my seat being bored as hell as we'd already been told to turn phones off, and weren't allowed anything like laptops or mp3 players! Again with the arghhh!

Anyway, so the plane takes off and then guess what. I HAVE A BROKEN SCREEN. Was most unimpressed, they did ask me if I wanted to move, to their credit, but they didn't have any more aisle seats and feck was I sitting in between a bunch of random people. So in the end I just kinda chilled out, which was alright, until I woke up about midnight and couldn't get back to sleep. Sat for a few hours listening to my ipod, thank god for Brand New, Rihanna and Panic! at the disco getting me through (odd combination, I know) AND eventually, I managed to get to sleep by blaring Pendulum through my ipod. How that worked I'll never know, but it was all good as I managed to get to sleep about 3am and get through until about 5am, which is when they started serving biscuits and breakfast. Get in! At some point they also gave me a voucher for $50 without much explanation though I’m assuming it was for the broken screen. Totally wasn’t complaining, I bought a random little bag thingy with pandas on it and part of the cost went towards some kind of panda charity. Can’t complain for free!

Ooooh the food! Well I gotta say neither meal was particularly appetizing, glad I took some crisps with me, but the dinner was definitely better than the breakfast! Though at this very moment in time (sitting in HK international airport) I can't even remember what the dinner was... I just remember that I ate all of it. The breakfast was some weird pork thing that literally was just sitting in goo, and the other option was egg - if I wasn't so fussy it would have been fine but seriously - total yuckness. It was called pork congee! The breakfast that is. Might look it up when I have net. Oooh and I remember now what the dinner was, some weird beef stew thing – was quite alright actually other than the fact it had mushrooms in, which I was happily AVOIDING until I accidently managed to eat one... it was dark! Sucked though, made me feel distinctly queasy but could not spit it out for fear of people sitting around me. Oh dear.

Either way, I am here now, safe and sound in HK airport. Have already text the parental units and updated the facebook so no one can yell at me for not letting them know I've arrive safely, and now I'm waiting for my transfer to my hotel, which will hopefully be nice. Time for a shower and a nap, and hopefully later I'm going to go see this light show thing at the harbor (I think) weather permitting. Tomorrow I have a half day island tour booked through Sta Travel, hopefully it'll be decent. Weather at the moment is 18 degrees (how do you do that little dot symbol thing?) and supposed to be the same tomorrow, nice happy medium ground before I get to the scorching heat of Australia, and a minimum of 30 most days. Ouch.

Random pictures - one of the plane whilst waiting to get on it and one of a silly sign in the toilet (these items will choke the toilet, well I nearly choked when I saw it because I was very amused). Letters from everyone and random panda bag from plane. Amusing sign in my transfer bus, and ... other stuff.

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