Thursday, 25 February 2010

February 18th - 25th

So I've not wrote anything for just over a week. The original plan was to write something every day but theres only so many times I can write about how bored I am and how there is nothing to do in this place before I want to scratch my eyes out.
However, there has been merry merry progress in the boring land of Stanthorpe. I had two days of grape picking work last week, and then nothing until Tuesday this week.

But now I have a job in a packing shed, packing green beans. Its boring and monotonous and not a lot of fun but it pays and thats good enough for me :D We started on Tuesday and have had work everyday. Tomorrow we might have the day off, fingers crossed as I need to make a trip into town to pick up my bank card but then back to work on Saturday and hopefully for a good few days next week. The hours are pretty sporadic because the beans are affected by the rain so fingers crossed the rain gets lost and the work keeps coming! Literally all we do is stand and sort through beans on a conveyor belt, pulling them apart and removing bits of plants that happen to get stuck in with them. Surprisingly enough it really hurts your shoulders after a good few hours, we did 5 hours today with a 30 minute break and my shoulders were really killing by the end of it! Its pretty easy work as such, but just because its so continous it actually gets quite hard - there just isn't a break once the belts get started, unless the machines get jammed and then you get about a 30 second respite. Its alright though, its me and 5 french people - four girls and one guy. None of them really speak very good english, but then the machines are so loud that you can't really talk too much anyway, so music is the best option. Got really annoyed today, I put my spare mp3 on charge last night and then today when I left my room I realised I'd accidently left it on when I unplugged it at some point in the middle of the night and so it didn't have any battery! Not fun - the time goes SO much quicker when you have music.

Neil left on Tuesday to go to Alice Springs for a job picking lettuces. So now I'm alone in the bunk house room, though I'm sure someone else will be put in here soon. Was quite happy as he obviously couldn't be bothered to take everything with him, cos when I got home from wokr on the day he left there was a bunch of stuff like pasta and biscuits and peanut butter and sour skittles! Yay! There was a girl in here for one night whilst she waited for a room to share with her boyfriend, she seemed ok but I do get a bit paranoid about my laptop and things when I'm sharing with randoms especially as I'm not here for considerable parts of the day now! When in a hostel normally there is lockers but here I just have a cupboard with no lock - not good!

At some point last week I borrowed someones hard drive and got loads and loads of stuff copied onto my own hard drive to keep me entertained in the evenings and days of no work! One thing that comes in really invaluable is my external hard drive, I'm so glad I brought it with me - most people have them and its cool to swap programmes with everyone. If I hadn't then I think I might have died of boredom by now. Hard Drive is nearly full now though so I need to watch a bunch and delete it. At the moment I'm watching Desperate Housewives, I never really watched it on TV and I'm currently on season 2. Whoop? Apparently someone around here has the new episodes of Lost, need to find out who it is! Someone gave me the new episodes of Gossip Girl which was good, watched them already though. Gossip Girl & Lost = my two TV obsesssions I think. I need to see the new Lost eps, I don't want anything really good to happen and for someone to tell me before I get to see them!

I'm thinking I might stay here in Stanthorpe until the end of the season. I think thats the end of April? Its reasonably cheap here and that gives me plenty of time to get together some money. The people here are pretty cool and I'm more or less happy here so all is well and good in the land of Sheri at the moment!

The ridiculous amount of bites I had last week has gone down, thank god. I didn't have any new ones for a few days and then I ended up with about 13 on the back of my calf - ANNOYING. I don't know where they're all coming from, its IRRITATING. I took some antihistamines today cos apparently they stop the itching, it did for a while but I dunno if that was just psychological? But I've run out now anyway so maybe I should buy some more and some damn bite cream! I'm getting annoyed with having to use my perfume to stop the itching, it helps because of the alcohol but its a bloody waste.

Tomorrow I am going to buy a milkshake. Or 6. Because I have severe milkshake cravings and have done now for several days. I miss milk! In fact I miss other drinks in general, all I've had is water for over a week and its really getting pretty boring. Fizzy drinks and milkshake for me tomorrow pls :D I am also going to buy some credit, cos I haven't had any for the best part of a week and without credit I have no internet, and without any internet I get pretty damn bored. Watching programmes on my laptop is pretty boring after a while. Also Mum sent a parcel for me the other day so that should get here some time next week, contact lenses, ipod lead, doritos (I think?!) and she downloaded a bunch of books for me so I can read them on my laptop - will be nice to have something to read again! Can't wait for the parcel to get here! Things are all pretty good at the moment, happy happy joy joy! :D

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