Friday 11th June - Saturday 12th June

I really didn't want to go to Booth Farm because I'd heard plenty of horror stories about how hard it was, and how evil the checkers were. But at this point I was bloody desperate, so I sent my email to apply and was then given two x 2 hour shifts as a trial.
Start time was at 6:30am, and finish time again depended on how much fruit was needed, though normally its around midday.
This farm worked differently to Corrick - instead of being in front of the boom, you were behind. It moved at a relatively slow pace (well it looked slow when you were watching, not when you were picking!) and the idea was for you to walk behind it and keep up, and just place the zucchinis you were picking on the boom. However, you also got a belt and a bucket for if you fell behind, and then you just put the stuff you picked into your bucket, and emptied it when you could. Which wasn't often, in my case.
The checker guys here are really funny - and not in the ha ha sense of the word. They have their favourites, and if they like you you're ok but if they don't you're screwed. One of the guys was constantly moaning at me for something or another, and although I don't deny I was doing pretty crap, he really wasn't helping!
Again after my second day I wasn't asked back, and I really wasn't surprised. I think a combination of generally not being great at the job and also psyching myself out beforehand meant I was totally rubbish and of course they weren't gonna want me back!
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