Sunday 13th June - Wednesday 16th June

I was pretty lucky to get this job I think, but 10 people were needed and I was one of them. The farm was an hour away from the hostel so we had to leave super early, but again at this point I was just so happy to have work I didn't care!
Start time was at 7am, finish time was midday / 1pm depending on how long it took us to do the rows. We were pickimg squash instead of zucchini which made me unbelievably happy!
Once again this farm had a different system for picking. Every person had a belt and a bucket, which you picked and filled. We worked behind the boom, and every now and then the driver would shout 'BUCKETS!' and everyone would go an empty their bucket on the boom. And then it would drive forward a little more. Some rows were harder than others, so some people would be at the boom when he yelled and some people would be a little further behind, but for the most part it was a heck of a lot easier than the other two farms. Also, you pick squash just by 'clicking' it off the plant instead of having to use a knife, so it just made it generally quicker because you could use both hands.
The checkers at this farm were really nice - they walked behind, and every now and then they would come up to you and check your bucket or tell you you'd missed a few, and remind us about certain things about the plant. But they were really friendly about it, and not nasty at all. Made such a difference after the wanker from Booth Farm!
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