I learnt the art of taking pictures of these type today. I've always wanted to do it and never had a tripod to use, but have now got one I borrowed from a friend so decided earlier to wander off out with my little sister and take a few. Not too hard now I know how to do it, definitely something I'll be trying out on my travels :D
Theres a bridge near where we used to live that would be really cool to take a photo of this sort from, may go over there sometime and have a go, when I can be bothered that is! One thing I'm really looking forward to whilst I'm away is using my SLR a lot more, I don't get much of a chance at home because I'm busy a lot and theres not really anything around here I actually *want* to take pictures of. I'm sure I'll find plenty whilst I'm away, quite excited!

(70 days! ♥)
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