I've come to the conclusion I'm probably never going to be able to take photos to the standards that I'd like, however I'm enjoying myself with the camera at the moment and really thats more important, as long as I enjoy my own photography then theres no problem!
Quite liked this one, though it wasn't completely in focus!

This weekend was rather epic with extreme lack of sleep and a god awful hangover on Saturday, no real surprise there. It does surprise me how much I really enjoy working in a club, although its taken away all elements of my social life on weekends its a massive laugh and the people are awesome. Its really helped me build up on my confidence as well which can only be a good thing going away, I've never been the most outgoing of people but working there has not only made me more confident in talking to complete randoms but also developed me a nice thick skin - having to deal with drunken idiots does this to you!
On Saturday we had a mini after party of sorts which resulted in lots of drunken merriment (not on my part, as I wasn't drinking) and a multitude of nakedness (again not on my part!) from some of the guys, was a lovely sight I must say and possibly the most fun I've had when we've stayed for after work drinks! Didn't get home til about 7am and then didn't bother sleeping as I had to go do my dayjob at 9am, was a very tiring day but came home and went to bed for 12 hours last night and now all is well!
Day off today and I'm enjoying chilling out and relaxing for once - stolen my mums laptop to keep me entertained as mine is off being repaired at the moment due to an inappropiately placed drink of coke and my clumsy little brother! Hopefully it shall be back soon :)
Very busy this next week which is all good, makes the countdown go quicker! Going to see little sis play Rizzo in Grease twice this week, tomorrow and Thursday. Working til 11pm on Wednesday to install the Christmas promo, and on Friday night I'm going to see Muse - hugely exciting! Saturday night I'm at work at the club again, its our managers birthday so I'm sure I will be very drunk nonetheless ;) Sunday will be a well needed day of recovery! Exciting stuff, need to make the most of the time I have left with my friends :D ♥
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