(Dancers @ Darling Harbour)
Yesterday was mainly spent in bed nursing self back to health, my legs were really really hurting i.e even to walk so I figured it was best to stay out of the sun, and continously cover self in after sun. So this was my day until about 4pm - I watched part of a Harry Potter film and I also watched all of my Gossip Girl, whoop whoop, other than the fact the final episode of season 2 is corrupted and so I can't see what happens. How annoying is that.

(Sarah + Me)
About 3pm I think it was actually, I got ready and then headed out to go meet Sarah by the fantabulous Woolworths that really is too far away. We headed off down to Darling Harbour to mooch around for a bit and watch the entertainment, yay! There was lots of dancing, lots of boats, lots of TALKING. We got a bit bored really, its largely patriotic and although it was alright watching the stuff for a little while, it got a bit tiresome. I did like the bit where they showed us 6 people who'd been made Australian Citizens yesterday, that was pretty cool. We spent a lot of our time hiding from the sun, both still being awfully burnt from the day before.

(Look how packed it bloody well was!!)
Bit later there was some singing - some random girl, the winner of Aus Idol 09 and then.. LEO SAYER. OH THE EXCITEMENT. Please bite me if you think I'm being sincere. Was relatively entertaining, he sung three songs, I knew them all, I cringed. By this point Sarah had headed off due to now being the complete other side of Sydney and not wanting to have to get home alone in the dark - can't say I blame her! Therefore I was left, in my fantabulously burnt-o state, trying to find a place in the ridiculously PACKED harbour to stand and see. Couldn't see a lot, thank god for screens.

After the singing was some more talking, and some more talking.. etc. And then, the fireworks, the main reason why I think half the crowd were there! They were amazing though, they must have gone on for a good ten minutes if not longer and I took far too many photos especially considering half of them were ridiculously blurry - getting good pictures of fireworks is hard, even with an SLR!

(More fireworks!)
Afterwards I chilled for a bit - it was so so packed that even though I waited about twenty minutes, it was still a nightmare to get out, with one-way paths and millions of police men and all that. Grr Argh is my assessment of the leaving. Came home, got here about 10pm, kitchen was closed. Argh. Went to bed, tried to edit pictures, fell asleep after watching the rest of Harry Potter. Oh what a fascinating evening.

This morning I had to get up extortionately early (7am) to start my new job, almost a month to do the day since I left Currys. Its training for today and tomorrow, up in North Sydney where I had my interview aka mileage away. Today was alright, went relatively quickly and all that, job doesn't seem *too* hard but I'm still looking for something else cos I really am not feeling the standing on the street harassing people thing. However.. the perks include free travel and accomodation as they send you to random places all around New South Wales so its definitely worth sticking out for a little while.

(Still packed after it had finished..)
I've decided I'm definitely gonna head up to Circular Quays at some point this weekend, its not like I've got anything else to do. Its a nice walk, and I definitely want to go there. Its weird because its such a major tourist point, I think I've been avoiding going because visting tourist points makes me feel like this is a holiday, and although it is to a degree I kinda need to get out of that frame of mind being as I'm working now! Gotta get my body back used to getting up at 7am, OUCH. Not impressed with that one.

This evening I shall chill out :) Really quite tired from yesterday and lack of sleep and all that, so an early night sounds like a plan, as does eating the MICROWAVE POPCORN I found in Aldi. You have no idea how happy that made me :D Its sad, I know, but its like being at home hehe :D HAPPY SHERI! However I am not happy at the humidity, cos its making my hair a permanent frizzball. NOT FUN. Even if I straighten it, like two hours later - FRIZZ. Humbug.
We were in Watershed for the fireworks, got there early & got a seat. Like your pictures tho!
Thanks for the comment on our blog :-)
great pics - the fireworks ones have come out so well! so are you staying in a hostel forthe time being? how is that?
totally understand you on the job front, i spent so many years dodging people doing that job, if I did it I would feel like sucha frustrated hyprocrite ambushing people hahha! but don't get me wrong, i'd do it to stay out there :D
Ahh looks lovely :) I'm still so jealous every time I read your posts hehe! Take care x
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