(Bondi Beach)
Today I went to Bondi Beach with Sarah, having changed the plan from Tuesday to today! Was pretty awesome to be fair. We met up at 10am outside wakeup and went for a walk up to where the bus stop is, near Hyde Park. Bus was $6 and something or other cents for a return, not bad. Its really easy to get to as well – the bus from Hyde Park takes you straight there and only takes about ten minutes. Weather wasn’t particularly impressive at this point in time, pretty overcast but it was still pretty warm and we were both looking forward to a chilled out day at the beach!

(Army of birds on Bondi Beach!)
When we got there the beach was pretty empty and still pretty cloudy, but it was warm enough to sit there and sunbathe anyway. At one point I got a phone call to inform me that the interview I’d had on Friday was *successful* and I now have a job! Whoop whoop, I start on Wednesday. Anyway, we were chatting random shit about everything and anything for a good few hours before we realised the sun had come out in full force and was actually pretty damn boiling, so at this point we packed up and went off to find some food, and where did we end up? Mcdonalds. Of course. Damn place. Though I did discover they do these awesome little ice cream cones for $0.50, thats ridiculous?! Like 30p people! And they’re lovely, especially when its hot. Awesomeness.

(More Bondi Beach)
Went for a bit more of a walk afterwards, took some silly random photos, walked all the way up to the end of the beach where there’s a little rock pool bit and then back again, where we perched in a cafe for a while only to be attacked by pigeons!! Its just the same as bloody home, well annoying! Arghhhh. At one point I thought one of them had stolen one of my flipflops. Wtf eh, flip flop stealing pigeons? How dare they!

(Evil flip-flop stealing pigeon)
After this we both decided we’d had enough of both the heat and the pigeons and decided to head home! It was at this point my knees decided to give me agony, oh they’re burnt. What a freakin surprise. My face is fine, but my knees? Red as tomatoes. WHOOP. Got the bus back, wandered around for a bit. Checked at Base but unfortunately my Tax File Number has yet to arrive. Had a drink in Scary Canary. Bought some water from Woolworths. Began the agonising walk back to my hostel with my burnt knees! (Trust me – jeans + burnt knees = BAD COMBINATION. Almost as bad as white baps and black jeans)

(Awesome 50 cent ice cream)
On my arrival back to the hostel I’ve discovered I’m pretty damn burnt, even though its only my legs that are hurting really. My back is burnt quite badly too, so I’m covering myself in aftersun pretty damn constantly, even as I type (multitasking ftw) and hoping my legs will be better tomorrow as its Australia Day and I’m going down to Darling Harbour to make the most of the free entertainment (fireworks + the winner of Australian Idol 2009, wahey!) Will be meeting up with Sarah at some point again too. I’ve also just realised I have a really stupid looking line of red at the bottom of my back where there must have been a gap between top and trousers, it looks ridiculous. How irritating.

(See that tan line!!!)
Wednesday I am starting my new job, wahey? I’ll be glad to be earning some money to be fair, I want to buy some new clothes and I want to go skydiving! Wednesday and Thursday are training days, and then I’ll either be starting on Friday or Monday, depending on how it all goes. Pay is fortnightly, so will be looking forward to my first pay!

(Me and Sarah making silly faces)
My lesson of the day – flip flops are not easy to walk in, whether on sand, or on path. They’re most definitely not easy to run in, especially when you’re about to be run over because you thought the green man was flashing (he was not). I knew there was a reason I did not like flip flops!
Hey Sheri!
Im really enjoying reading your experiences :) Its making me even more excited about going there myself. Woo!
How long are you planning on staying in Aus for?
I start my travels in May, but dont actually get to Aus until July (i think.)
I am mucho jealous right now!
Take care!
Carley xxx.
This is the first time I've been able to post a comment for some reason!
Really love reading this blog, it makes me want to go travelling!!
Keep updating!
Carley - cheers! :D Its awesome here, I'm so excited for you to go! I'm hoping to stay in Aus for the whole 1 yr of my visa, if not extending it to two! I'm really enjoying it so my only concern will be having enough money :D
July I will *hopefully* be up in Cairns for my birthday! :)
Cheers! x
Laura - Apparently some of the settings were messed up or something but they're sorted now so people can comment :D Thank you muchly, I'm enjoying writing it so that when I get home I can read back and remember hehe :D xx
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