(Its a biiiird!)
Anyway yesterday morning, checked out of Base around 9:30 – even after ditching two books and a whole load of paper crap, my rucksack still weighed a tonne. Ouch. I really am gonna have to condense it down before I move hostels again, it nearly killed my back and literally all I did was walk two minutes to a station, sit on a train, and walk two minutes from the station. Bah!
First reason I like wakeup – the check in isn’t at 2pm as previously thought, its basically as soon as the people before you have left the room! Its not always clean when you get in apparently, but feck it- I was more concerned with ditching my rucksack! So I was in my room by about 11, score! Had some food, and in the process discovered my budget isn’t quite what I’d worked it out to be before (damn exchange rates) so figured I should probably get a job sooner rather than later, therefore spent an hour or so on the computers applying for every job available. I’d wrote a cv out at some point, can’t remember when, so hey – maybe something will turn up. Had a look at the job board too, I’ve got a group interview later on for a company who does charity fundraising, which means I’d be one of those irritating people on the street who asks you to give money to various charities, but meh – money is money. Accomodation works out about $30 a night, food and drink probably works out $25? $30? Depending on how hungry / thirsty I am, so as long as I’d be taking home $60 a day I can live, and this job pays $17 an hour – what that is after text I have no idea but surely it must work out LOL. Speaking prematurely, this is if I even get a job.

(Boats at Harbour)
Anyway yes, after spending various amounts of time on the computer, I chatted to one of the women on the info desk about Mildura, and it turns out that Oasis Backpackers, the place I was intending on staying, is currently under investigation for being one of those dodgy hostels that tells you there’s work, but when you get there, there isn’t any. And you still have to pay your accommodation and food obviously. So... don’t think I’ll be going there anymore! Plenty of other hostels though so theres no real worries. Also – second reason I like wakeup, the info desk people are really helpful, whereas at Base they seemed to be just trying to sell you stuff and didn’t really wanna help you with info that was unrelated to things they sold.
After this I headed down to, where else, Darling Harbour. I do like that place. I’m now about 15 minutes further away than I was at Base but still walking distance. Tis looovely, especially yesterday. Was prob about 3pm when I went down, about 27 degrees warm and it was luuush. Nice breeze from the water to keep me cool enough, but still warm. Spent a while watching some live street theatre guy, was pretty cool – he was juggling with machetes and things. Wrote a little bit in my paper journal, which I’ve neglected due to having this lovely laptop! Went for a wander through a shopping centre, went to buy some flip flops, which I’d thought were pretty good at $10 anyway. But then it turned out that because I was buying a $2 bottle of water at the same time, the flipflops (or thongs to the educated Australian) went down to $5. Logic? No.. but cheap for me! Was chatting to the girl in the shop for a while about jobs and she gave me a website to apply on and said that the company is always hiring, so I did that last night as well as giving her my CV (again.. its a resume to the educated Australian) and fingers crossed that might come to something, cos thats definitely more my kind of thing.

(Random statue thing at Harbour)
Currently, I am waiting for my hair to dry, before I go downstairs. Probably go online for a little while just to find out what kind of charities this company works with before I head off to this fun fun fun group interview.. ugh.
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