(Random ferris wheel near Darling Harbour)
Then headed off to the train station, the journey to North Sydney only takes like 15 minutes or so, so by the time I found the building I was still really early. No big deal as I was boiling anyway, gave me a chance to cool down before I went in. The interview itself was alright, think there was about 12 of us in there and it basically just involved a lot of the woman telling us what the company was about and what being a good fundraiser entails, as well as explaining the pay and things. We then had to do stupid little roleplays in pairs, now anyone who knows me knows I HATE that kind of thing but in the end it was ok – I sold a camera.. now I wonder where I got that idea from? Either way we’ll hear back on Monday, whether its a yes or a no which is nice – no hanging on and waiting, we’ll have a definite answer either way. Fingers crossed, cos although its not really something I want to do, its money at the end of the day, and it’ll easily cover my day to day costs, and then if I do well, it’ll easily cover my travelling saving up as well!

(Monorail! [just reminds me of the Simpsons])
Headed back to Town Hall after that, wondering what to do. Was gonna head back to the hostel but then looking on my little map I realised there was a bit of Darling Harbour I hadn’t really explored yet, and figured it was worth just going for another wander around. I decided to take the monorail, seeing as I hadn’t done that yet either, and my conclusion from that was – POINTLESS. Its a nice little way to get around the main city centre but pretty much everywhere it goes is within walking distance of eachother, and I’m not talking a long walking distance either. Either way, now I’ve been on it, I know not to, again. Thumbs up.

(Paddys Markets)
Got off the monorail in Chinatown which is basically where ‘Paddys Markets’ are, and the ‘Chinese Gardens’. Headed down towards the market and got a really WEIRD déjà vu moment. I’m 99% sure I was standing outside the hotel where I stayed 8 yrs ago when I came with my family. It was totally weird because I didn’t even know what hotel we’d stayed in or where it was, and yet here I was just wandering around and found it. *So* bizarre, I really was temporarily weirded out and had some memories
come back. Was cool :)

(My hotel-esque deja vu moment)
Anyway, the market seemed pretty cool – I’m trying not to spend too much money on pointless stuff so I didn’t buy anything but there’s loads of clothes stalls and souvenir stalls in there, maybe when I have a bit more money I’ll go treat myself or something. Went to the Mcdonalds nearby for a bit to raid the free wi-fi, always a good thing. Headed on down to the Chinese Gardens, now I hadn’t realised that you had to pay to get in! I wasn’t *that* interested in them, just thought they might have been cool, so I wasn’t gonna pay to get in! Headed on past them, there was a pretty cool water fountain and basically from there I could see the main part of the harbour where I normally go. So instead of going back to the hostel, I decided to sit on the grass and finish my book. So I did. Whoop. Now I am bookless... not so whoop.

(Entrance to Chinese Gardens)
That was about all for my day. Came back to the hostel, went online, watched a little bit of the Australian Open on one of the two big screens (Nadal vs some weird guy who had a surname beginning with a K and I couldn’t remember his name if I tried). Watching tennis reminds me of being at home during Wimbledon and being incessantly bored because mum would never let us change the channel.

(Part of the Chinese Gardens)
Today I had every intention of heading up to the main harbour (Circular Quays) where the harbour bridge and the Opera House are, but I didn’t wake up until about 11am! My first proper lie in since I left the UK, so it was nice. Therefore, I declare today a lazy day, and I will go to Circular Quays tomorrow. Its quite far away but it is within walking distance, but if I’m gonna walk I’d rather go before midday so that I don’t get caught in the really hot sun. I haven’t been outside yet today but its supposed to be really hot so that doesn’t promote motivation!

(Water fountain [along with the patch of grass I sat on, on the left])
Got a message from Sarah earlier too, who is someone I’ve been talking to who will be in Sydney very soon! She came via Hong Kong like me but just a week later, so can’t wait to meet up with her and chat as I’m sure we’ll both have done loads of the same stuff! We’re meeting up on Tuesday (Australia Day!) to go to Bondi Beach and then possibly Coogee Beach too, depending on what happens I guess. Me, I’m just excited to go to a beach – ha
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