Monday, 8 March 2010

February 26th - March 8th

Wow, so I haven't written anything for the best part of two weeks - I think I said before, time seems to fly in this place or maybe its just Australia in general. On Saturday I'll have been gone for two months and thats so weird!

So once again I haven't written because I haven't had much to write about. Today I haven't had work so I'm having to find ways to occupy my time again, and a blog was the perfect way to do so! So basically last week I worked a few more days at the Bean Sorting Shed (Bertinazzi). Because of the rain the work has been really sporadic and not always everyday, but the days we've done in the past week have been really long so it all equals out. The money I'm getting from there is basically covering my rent and my food shopping, but its not enough to save with, which is annoying. The working season here for backpackers only normally lasts until the end of March and sometimes into a bit of April - the rain will probably make it last a bit longer but not that much, so I need to get work sorted while I can!

So the 5th - 7th March was the Apple and Grape Festival here in Stanthorpe. They apparently have two big festivals a year, the A & G and also the Food & Wine festival. On Friday I was working at Bertinazzi but Saturday i had off and spent wandering the town with Pierre and Deborah - two french people I work with. It was pretty cool although drizzly and rainy all day - would have been nice to see some sun! The festival is a pretty big deal here in South Queensland and loads of people come from the big towns like Brisbane - amused me somewhat.

There was a free bus running from Blu Topaz to the town centre so we jumped on that around 12:30 and headed into town - wandered around for a while until the parade at 2pm. Parade was basically floats made by the different farms and school of the town and surrounding area, and a LOT of marching pipe bands - was odd! Felt like I should be in Scotland or something, every two minutes ther was a new marching band walking past with bagpipes from any town you could think of in the surrounding area. Was pretty cool to watch, we saw a few people we recognised, like the children of farmers we'd worked for and stuff.

After the parade we went for a bit of a wander and to try and get out of the rain. I've never really explored Stanthorpe before because when I go into town I normally have too much stuff to do and too much of a time limit, but I finally discovered where abouts the library and swimming pool are, not that I really have many intentions of going to either, because of the aforementioned time limit! Damn I wish I had a car.

at 4pm was the Celebrity Grape Crush, which basically was a bunch of 'celebrities' (well they might have been semi famous here, wouldn't have a clue) jumping up and down on grapes in a barrel and seeing who made the most juice from the grapes first. It was pretty entertaining, everyone got a bit messy cos they were just all basically throwing grapes at eachother and at some points the grapes came too near for comfort, i.e on my cardigan! Psssht! Good fun though.

After that we just kinda chilled again for a while, wasn't a lot else to do until about 5:50pm when there was a pizza eating competition sponsored by the Eagle Boys - the local pizza company who provide us with lovely pizza for really really cheap on Thursday nights... which I am really looking forward to at this point in time as I didn't have one last week. But anyway, pizza eating competition which consisted of many different rounds, some like girls vs boys, young vs old, families against other families. Was a really good laugh to watch, some of the people basically just inhaled the pizza, was mental!! Made me really want a pizza though, shame I had no money at the time!

After that we headed off to the pub to kill some time before the fireworks, not that we ever ended up watching them. Basically the entire caravan park was in this pub, and it was mental. We took up a considerable amount of space! I had completely forgotten to bring my I.D and so couldn't drink which was a giant pain, but lucky that they let me in the pub in the first place. Managed to sneak a few when the security weren't looking - beer. Oh yum. It tastes better when you realise a) you have no other option and b) its ridiculously cheap. Like Manor prices, the first time I've seen alcohol that cheap here in Aus! Anyway so we were in the pub for a good few hours when one of the other girls gave me a wristband cos she'd somehow ended up with two. Went and got myself a drink, was drinking and one of the security guards recognised me, god damn. And then asked me to leave the pub. Was pretty good timing to be fair as the free bus home was at 9:30pm and this was about 9:10pm, so it worked out pretty well. A couple of the other girls came out a bit laterand got the bus as well, so got home just before 10pm and chilled out in my room for a bit before going to bed.

Yesterday I had to get up early cos I'd got work on one of the stalls in the town. Was pretty amusing, was working on a stall called 'Wacky-Doo' and was a random junky stall, selling bubble guns and shock toys and little things called pop-pops which are those things you throw on the floor and they make the loud bang. Was a nice day, didn't have to do too much work, spent a large portion of it just standing next to the stall playing with the bubble gun. Keeps people like me easily amused, we sold loads of them. Got paid just over $100 for the day, cash in hand. Made me happy :)
So today we don't have work yet again due to rain, thank god as I was pretty damn tired and just wanted to sleep in, all good as I slept in til 11am. Kinda my own fault really as I was up until about 2am reading Breaking Dawn, that book is just so damn addictive, like all the Twilight ones. My parcel from mum turned up at some point last week and it was very awesome, ebooks (already reread the whole Twilight trilogy) and Doritos, as well as letters from peoples and photos and stuff :D Very good! I think I demolished the doritoes ridiculously quickly, they don't have chilli heatwave flavour over here and I miss it muchly :D Hoping she'll send me some more soon hehe!

So thats about all for now. Was going to use the internet in the office and upload all my blogs but funnily enough its not working, massive pain! Really annoyed actually as my phone broke last night, and I now can't really use it. The plastic bit covering the rollerball came off at some point last week and last night the whole rollerball thing fell apart. I managed to kind of put it back together so I can use it to press the button down but thats it. So I can use it to ring people and answer phone calls, but can't read texts or get online which basically cuts off my main source of contact with people. Really really annoyed about it.

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So the plan for today is to watch some more Heroes, start reading Philip Pullmans 'Dark Materials' trilogy, maybe do some washing and tidy my room if I can be bothered (not so likely) and eat... noodles or rice. Not sure. Quite feel like some rice actually, but that'd mean buying a tin of overpriced veg of some kind from the office.. ooh, dilema. This is my life lmao. And weirdly enough, I'm loving it :D

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