Friday, 19 March 2010

March 9th - 18th

So, for the past week and a bit mostly not been doing too much, working and watching stuff, the usual. Not been a huge amount to blog about once again but then today I have had the most super amazing day so it meant I just had to write, especially seeing as the past few days have all been pretty awesome so things are going rather well in Sheri land :)

(Tractor from one day job at Capsicum farm with my little seat on the back!)

My last blog was just after the Apple and Grape Festival which finished on the 7th March, so now its the 18th and since then to be honest its once again been pretty much non-eventful. Working in the Bean shed, getting paid a semi decent amount sometimes as I've been doing quite a few hours there but still no more than 20 hours a week which really isn't enough seeing as all the work here will finish very soon, probably middle of April so whilst there is work I need to be getting more hours and saving more money pls!

(Little buggy I got to drive)

I don't remember an awful lot from last week to be honest, Friday I got the shopping bus and managed to finally get into town to pick up the money Dad had sent for me. Came in very handy because a few days before I had broken my phone, which is my main source of contact with everyone - I tend to use facebook and twitter on it quite a lot. Anyway I had to buy a new phone in Stanthorpe and ended up getting one which was $79, not too bad considering and I can still use facebook and stuff on it so all is well. Annoying though, that blackberry was nothing but trouble from the time I bought it and I don't think its worth claiming on the insurance because of excess and all that. New phone is ok and probably a bit more durable than the blackberry anyway so it'll do, I guess. Psssh. Saturday I think I worked, Sunday didn't really do anything other than hang in the kitchen for a bit, wasn't drinking though due to an extreme lack of alcohol!

(Me, Nicola, Chris, Tim)

So on Monday 15th I was up ridiculously early as I had the day off from the bean factory and had got a one day job on a capsicum (peppers) farm, had to be ready for 5:40am but ended up getting up about 4:30am to give my Mum and my Nan a ring as it was Mothers Day in England at the time, Sunday 14th and all that. Was nice to chat to them both, nice to talk to people every now and then. The work was pretty piss easy, I was helping the farmer planting new stuff for the winter which basically entailed sitting on a special seat on the back of the tractor and putting plants into a little machine as we drove along. Took a little while to get fast enough to cope but it was pretty damn easy, $105 for 6 hours of piss easy work, can't complain! Probably would have complained if it'd been raining but it was nice and sunny so all good. Also at some point I got to drive a little buggy thing, first by itself and then with a trailer on it, so although it wasn't a car or anything it was pretty damn cool and I was happy, I miss driving so much! I wish I had my licence, would make things so much easier out here.

(Random Italian guy whos name I do not recall, Nicola, Me)

So anyway later that evening I was drinking, also got a new roommate but didn't really meet her until Tuesday due to extreme drunkenness. I do believe our first introduction was me stumbling back into my room incredibly drunk with Leanne to fill up my vodka, and apologising for any noise I might make later in the evening coming back extremely hammered. Not the best first impression but never mind :D The evening is primarily a blur, I felt a bit shitty and so was drinking away my shitty feeling-ness haha ended up being carried back to my room at about 10pm by Stefano and Leanne, which has meant he has mocked me ever since, even whilst he's been utterly wasted drunk himself. Amusement!

(Me, Nicola, Chris)

Tuesday I woke up and felt like absolute trash. I'd been lucky and had a lie in, no work until 11am which meant I wasn't ill cos I got to sleep for the best part of 12 hours but when I got to work I felt so totally rotten, reminded me why drinking a whole 375ml bottle of vodka to myself within four hours is not the most intelligent idea I've ever had, and yet its one that seems to occur quite often? I wil never learn I'm sure. Anyway after lunch at work I felt better and then headed off home where I met Nicola my roommate. She's pretty awesome, a bit older than me but we seem to have hit it off really well, got a lot in common and all that, most importantly the fact we both like vodka very much. And that we wanted a caravan instead of a pissy little bunk house. That was definitely something we bonded over, also she is from Essex, nr Chelmsford so that was amusing.

(Nicola, Chris, Tim, Heidi)

Wednesday was St Patricks day! Nothing to be honest that I've ever really celebrated that much at home, not like I ever needed an excuse to get drunk then but here there is a couple of irish and also everyone else wanted to take advantage of the chance to get drunk / have a gathering down in Stanthorpe town - ha! Had work in the morning, about 10:30am til 3pm ish and then home to get ready for the evening. One of the guys had been chatting to a girl in the Irish pub in Stanthorpe so managed to score us a free courtesy bus into the town at about 17:30, was pretty good and we all just chilled in the pub for a good few hours. Have plenty of drunken photos of everyone, was in fact quite an awesome night. Me and Nicola bought a bottle of vodka between us to sneakily spike our drinks in the toilet to make life a lot cheaper, in the end if I think I spent about $35 including food and taxis which is definitely a damn cheap night out! (£20 maybe?) Actual briliant night, didn't get too drunk but got drunk enough to be giggly and far too talkative.

(Nicola in new caravan!)

So today dawned without a hangover, and so began one of the best days I've had haha. It makes my time sound shit when I say that but today has just had amazing luck! Woke up and went over to the reception, I can't remember why I went over but when I went over for the first time there was a cheque waiting for me for $105, score one. Then Sue told me that I'm starting a permanent full time job on Saturday, sorting strawberry plants with loads of the other girls, and also that she had a caravan for me and Nicola to move into if we liked. Score two and three! (Seriously, no one understands my longing for a caravan, I've been in that piddly bunk house for SIX WEEKS!). Anyway so we moved into the caravan, its small but its a caravan and thats all that matters. Went back to the office to find another cheque waiting for me, $270. Score four. I also then got invited to Nicolas cousins house for a home cooked roast dinner.. I've been waiting for this all day in seriousness, roast dinners are epic! Score five! And then loads of other little things like the fact we now have a toaster and a kettle, and we went to town and got these epic little wraps with chicken in them which are immense and so god damn yummy, and also the fact that Nicola has slight more cooking experience than myself and so when we go into town tomorrow to buy food we're gonna get stuff to make decent food, meaning I will no longer be living on noodles and rice, such a welcome change! With two of us we can split the cost of things like mince and chicken so not worry so much about the cost of the meat, and I think tomorrow we may be having spaghetti bolognese and therefore today has been well and truly awesome. Yes indeedy :)


Now I am off for my hopefully immense roast dinner, I'm sure it will be as seriously any roast dinner is better than noodles! (later) and now its 21:30 and we're back home, after a truly awesome dinner. Best food I've probably had since I left England, nothing beats a home cooked roast dinner. And then we had a fudge cake thing for desert, I really couldn't ask any more from today.. I don't think anything in the near future will be able to live up to today :p


Ooooh I was checking out skydives the other day and found one thats in Brisbane. I think I definitely wanna do one over Mission Beach on the East Coast cos so many people say its awesome for views and all that but think maybe I'll do one in Brisbane as well, its $275 and hopefully after this strawberry work I'll have the money to do that easy so fingers crossed, its so exciting to think about actually doing it :D :D :D :D :D :D

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