Saturday, 3 April 2010

April 1st + 2nd

So I'm currently attempting to write this with no contact lenses in, probably not the most intelligent idea but hey lets test my touch typing skills!

Yesterday was Thursday 1st April, was good and we had a 'half' day at work, which basically meant we did a 7 hour day instead of a 9. Half my ass! Either way it still felt good to leave that few hours early and get home and chill out, especially as we all knew we had today off work - whoop whoop!

So last night a couple of the spanish guys had planned a Bush Party, partly because we had today off and partly just because they could. And excuses to get drunk are always good :D

Anyway we got home, went to town with a few of the girls for a little bit and got vodka and goon, came home and got ready (wore my ugg boots, I knew they'd come in handy at some point!) and then we headed off around 8pm. T'was amusing, a convoy of about 9 cars and we just headed off to some random land somewhere that the spanish guys had found at some point. No idea where it actually was. Anyway, we got there and parked up, there was bloody loads of people and everyone was just chilling out, having a drink and all that. Was really nice because the lights in the caravan park kitchen go off at 9:30pm and although we didnt have any lights in the middle of the woods we did have a fire and no curfew so it was really cool. We had a sub and stuff so some decent loud music, nice warm camp fire and loads and loads of people to chat to as well as a million and one stupid photographs, as always.Highlights included Nicola and Leighann being incredibly drunk and making immense fools of themselves, lowlights included having to pee in the bushes on more than one occasion - can't say its anything I've ever particularly enjoyed!!!!

Anyway a lot of people were planning on crashing there for the night, but I headed back around midnight with the two girls I'd got a lift with as one of them doesn't drink so was still sober :) Came back and decided I wanted food, made a yummy cheese toastie and then decided I wanted noodles too. Proceededd to make the noodles, took the best part of half an hour (or so it felt) and then i went on to fall asleep whilst eating the noodles. How intelligent am I?!?! Anyway waking up this morning to half eaten noodles - not good!

BUT I also woke up with a lack of hangover which was massively impressive and very welcome. Nicola arrived back home around 8am. We had planned to do an immense amount of feck all, all day, but then we ended up getting a lift into town with her cousin, there was basically NOTHING open, being in a tiny town on a bank holiday but was nice to wander around for a bit, was a lovely day, so nice and warm :D :D . Went over to her cousins house, went on facebook for a few hours and attempted to upload photos - half worked and half went dodgy which was just bloody annoying but they were all very amusing to look at so all is good and well and that. But then since about 1pm my eye has been being really gay and watering constantly, couldn't really keep it open and when I got home I took out my lenses so haven't had them in for a few hours and my eye is still being really gay and watering, i'm a bit worried theres something up with it and I won't be able to work if its still like this tomorrow which is just bloody annoying!! So will see what its like in the morning I guess, otherwise I'm gonna have to try and sort something out, theres a doctors in the town but I totally can't be bothered with the agro of travel insurance and things so hoping it just sorts itself out!

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