Girraween National Park (Stanthorpe, QLD - Bald Rock, The Pyramids)
Girraween was only about a twenty minute drive from where we were staying, but you needed a car to get there. Theres a camping area as well as a picnic area, all with public toilets. Kangaroos and Wallabies wander around really close to the picnic area, avoid the droppings but appreciate how close you can get to them - the animals that is, not the droppings ;)
There's plenty to see there, but the walk we chose was 'The Pyramids' - an epic walk of 417 damn steep steps to get up the mountain, and that wasn't even the top! It was well worth it though, the views were epic and I didn't even go all the way up. The climb itself is pretty steep and it took us around 30 minutes to get to the point where I stayed, it took my friends around another 20 minutes to climb to the very top of the mountain. I wore flip flops, but I'd definitely recommend something with decent grip as its not all steps and slipping down a mountain would definitely not be a highlight of any trip!
Some of my favourite photos below;

Cape Byron (Byron Bay NSW - The Lighthouse, Australias most easternly point)
There's a nice walk to take you up to the Lighthouse at Cape Byron, passing through the most Easternly point of the country on your way. It starts at Wategos Beach and heads up all the way to the Lighthouse. It took us around 30 minutes at a casual taking-our-time kind of pace. The views over the coast line are really amazing, and theres a good chance you'll see some ocean wildlife - we saw little mako sharks and also several pods of dolphins. From the top plateau itself where the lighthouse is, you can see for miles and miles around (or should I say kms and kms around?). The view is amazing and when we went up it was really clear. Its a really enjoyable way to kill a few hours whilst in Byron.
Some of my favourite photos below (I found it really hard to choose, eep!);

All of my photos are either at my Facebook Page or on my Flickr Account if you're not friends with me on Facebook - check them out, there is loads! :D
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