We were heading to Byron Bay, but planned to stop off in Nimbin on the way just to mooch around and have a look. Took us a good four hours or so to get there, but it was a pretty random little town. The museum thing they have is pretty cool, its just a strange laidback little town though there didn't seem to be that much to do. Was nice just to go and see it though! After Nimbin we headed on to Byron, luckily Nic had already been before and knew a place to stay so we didn't have to drive around looking for anywhere. Arrived around 6pm and booked into the Glen Villa caravan park, quite a nice little place. We paid a bit more and got ourselves a little cottage thing between the 4 of us, we got a discounted rate because we were originally put into one where the kitchen was being refurbed, but then there was something wrong with the tap in the bathroom as well so we got moved into another one where the kitchen was all working too, for the same rate! Wahey, was an awesome little cottage actually. Total luxury after living in a room / caravan for three months!

In the evening we went out - first to a pub nearby, the Railway Pub I think it was called? It had live music but we arrived quite late and only saw a little bit of it, but after a few drinks we then headed on to a nearby club/bar type thing called Cocomangas. Was pretty cool, reminded me of home - haven't been clubbing in so long! Music was alright as well. Don't remember what time we left but me and Nic split a super awesome dominos pizza on the way home! Was a good night although it kept raining, conveniently at all the times we had to go outside, so ended up with frizzy hair and wet feet but otherwise, good times!

Saturday we went for a bit of a walk to the most easternly point of Australia and Byron Lighthouse. Was a really nice warm day, the walk was uphill but had some really nice views and I got some more good pictures :) There were dolphins and little mako sharks in the water that we could see from some of the viewing platforms too, a bit far away for my crappy eyesight but it was cool nonetheless. After that we headed on to a bar to have a drink before wandering round the town for a bit and going to a masssssiiive Woolworths to buy some food and drink for dinner. Went home and had a nap and dinner and then we all headed out again! We were going to a place called Cheeky Monkeys, apparently known for being inhabited by extremely drunk people, well it turned out to be pretty damn true. We met up with a bunch of people from Stanthorpe - it was Joanies 21st birthday and she was pretty drunk by the time we got there at about 8:30! A couple of guys were there as well, Matt, Neil and Steve. Was a good night all in all, earlier in the day we'd been given wristbands so we got happy hour prices until midnight ($5.50 for a vodka, whoop) and we also got a bunch of vouchers when we went in for free champagne, which wasn't particularly pleasant but I'm not complaining when its free! However I spent WAYWAYWAY too much, ended up absolutely WANKERED and had a god awful hangover this morning, my first bad one since leaving England! I liked the place though, there was loads of random competitions and things going on. Steve and Neil won a $500 surfing trip to somewhere by acting out the most sexual positions they could in 30 seconds, I think they managed 9 - I recorded it on my camera, was so so funny! Also there was an amateur male strip show, apparently it was ladies night and that was really funny too, one of the guys was in a mankini - slightly disturbing but all good fun! And then after all that was over, everyone was dancing on the tables, was fun but I was rather scared I was gonna slip or fall off. Whoops. Anyway, we left at about 11pm although it felt like a million hours later, and me and Nic split another awesome Dominos pizza. BADBADBAD. But so so yummy!

So this morning I woke up with the previously mentioned GODAWFUL hangover, it was not nice!! Somehow in the course of the night I'd gone to sleep in one bed, moved into another and then woke up this morning on the sofa. Wtf. I don't even remember getting home last night, thats how I know I drunk FAR too much. However, even my bad hangovers here are nothing to rival the ones I had at home, thank god. Anyway I got up about 9am and had to pack, we had to check out by 10am and in my hungover daze I was moving rather slowly, but still made it in time to have some nutella on toast. Thank god, because I was about to get into a car and maybe might have been ill otherwise, eep! We then headed on from Byron Bay to Surfers Paradise, which is where we are now! It took maybe about two hours, and when we got here we had to find somewhere to stay. We checked a caravan park that someone I know had recommended which was $17 a night, but we've ended up in a hostel. Although its not really a hostel as such, at least not the bit we're in. Its $27 a night which is more than I really want to spend but its pretty nice. Its like a little mini apartment thing, we have two rooms, one for Ryo and Anna and one for me and Nic. Theres another room and then a communal living room / kitchen type area.
Not sure what we're doing this evening, I for one am definitely not drinking, my head still hurts! Would be nice to maybe have a quiet night in! Tomorrow we're gonna head to the beach and chill out, something I've not done for a while! Not sure how long we're staying here either, maybe a few nights and then moving onto Brisbane, then possibly Noosa! Whoop :)
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