Tuesday 9th February

Start time was 5:30am, though work didn't actually start til about 6am. Hours would vary depending on how many people had turned up how much work there was to do. Sometimes you'd finish early (11:30) and sometimes it would be until early afternoon (14:30). Lunch was a 20 / 30 minute break.
Basically all we were doing here was picking grapes for harvest. Each person had 'snippers' and a bucket and you just literally cut grapes off the vines, into the bucket, fill the bucket, new bucket. Dead simple. Ridiculously easy, it didn't even feel that monotonous either which is surprising. As far as 'seasonal' work goes I'd say this felt like one of the easiest. The supervisors seemed pretty laid back for the most part, we were allowed music and also allowed to put our water bottles in the tractor so we could get a drink every now and then.
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