Wednesday 17th February - Thursday 18th February

This was a real last minute job so we got rudely awoken at 7:45 and asked to go, and finished really early due to heat. But then we had to go back the next day at 6:30 until about 10:00. It was a bit unorthodox as this farm never normally uses backpackers but they were a bit behind on picking so just got some of us to come in for a little while. The first day we had about 20 minutes for smoko, the second day we never even made it to smoko cos we finished work. On smoko the first day they gave us free tea, coffee and water.
Grape picking really is the easiest thing ever. Just a shame the work is only ever for one or two days *because* it is so easy, it gets finished so quickly. We were allowed music here, but no one really bothered because there was quite a few of us from the same place so we were all chatting to eachother.
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