Its pretty hard to write blogs at the moment as I really am doing nothing. There isn't anything to do here and most people are at work during the day. To be fair, the working day seems to be finish at 14:30 (it starts at 5am normally) so Neil gets back and so do other people so in the afternoon theres someone to talk to, but its still pretty boring!
Thursday I don't remember doing absolutely anything of note, other than reply to a few messages on facebook on my phone. I undertook the mammoth task of sorting out the music on my external hard drive, knowing that would take me a good while! Its pretty damn boring though so don't think I did it for too long... ate my popcorn. God Thursday must have been an epically boring day. I'm going through the games on my laptop pretty quick, theres a certain amount of 'decent' type ones that came pre-installed and you get a certain length of time on them, there was one pretty fun one called 'Plants Vs Zombies' but it ran out now. Bah!
Yesterday was Friday, they run a free bus trip into Stanthorpe for everyone to do some shopping. I was pretty eager to get out of the caravan park so off I went, spoke to a girl called Leighanne on the little bus and ended up wandering round with her, helpful as I didn't have a clue where anything was! Bought a towel and some food, and also went to a work place called 'Ready Workforce' which proved pretty fruitful, as now I have a days work on Tuesday picking grapes. (pun not intended, if you caught it) Its a bit of a pain, being at the caravan park with no transport. The caravan park only arranges work for places that take a lot of people so that they run buses and its worth their time. And then this other place sorts out work for other places but theres the problem of getting to them - this one on Tuesday there is a few others from the caravan park working so I've managed to get a lift with them, so all is well for that one day at least. Either way, I'm now registered so when theres work they send me a text and I have to reply if I want it. Which I will.
Had a minor panic attack last night when my laptop went kaput, and then asked me to restore it - I never made any restore discs when I bought it because it doesn't have a disc drive, and even if I had they wouldn't have been much help as I still don't have a disc drive! Arghhh! But fortunately it managed to sort itself out, I don't know what I'd do without it especially at the moment! Pass out with boredom I think.
I finished part 1 of the epic task of sorting out the music earlier, deleted all the doubles and all the stuff I don't listen to, all good. Part 2 involves making sure everything is named properly and theres no way on earth I can be fecked to do that anytime soon, even if I am bored!
I apologise for this ridiculously ridiculously boring entry. But to be fair this is how boring this caravan park is, so its a true insight into my life at this very moment :p Currently I'm debating whether to go and eat some noodles or not, the food needs to last until next Friday and the next shopping trip so I'm rationing my noodles to one pack a day... the problem is do I want them for lunch or for dinner... hmmm...? And with that fascinating question I bid you adieau.
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